The Real ABGs of Houston

Originally slated to be the Real Housewives of Houston Season 2, the comments section of YouTube proved to be relentless. Of note, the original cast was said to be “all sisters” and that no one knew where all the Asians were hiding because Houston is “full of blk girls” [sic]. Four years later and the rise of the term ABG, a new idea was created. Luckily I was in an endless supply of Asian women that could play that part. There were multiple revisions and the current video is a drastic change from the original design from 2014. Three different revisions to be exact, but I’m satisfied with the final product. It really highlights the level of skill from the original RHOH video. What would the abbreviation be? RAOH? RAbgOH? Who knows lol.  I now present to you the Real ABGs of Houston.

Eric Written by: